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Things To Check Before Calling For A Service Electrician


Are you experiencing electrical problems in your home or office? Before you pick up the phone to call an electrician, there are a few things you should check to ensure that the problem isn’t something you can fix on your own.

Electricity is a powerful force that requires expertise to handle. Therefore, it’s crucial to know what to check before calling an electrician to avoid unnecessary costs or putting yourself in danger. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you troubleshoot and check for the most common electrical problems.


Hiring an electrician can be costly, and sometimes the problem may not require a professional’s services. Electrical problems may arise from faulty wiring, circuit breakers, or malfunctioning electrical appliances. Conducting basic troubleshooting checks can save you time and money, but it’s crucial to know when to call a professional.

This article will cover the essential things you need to check before calling an electrician, the common electrical problems, and frequently asked questions about electrical work. By the end of this article, you’ll have the confidence to troubleshoot electrical problems and make an informed decision about when to call an electrician.


Before calling an electrician, there are a few things you should check to avoid unnecessary costs. Here are some things to consider:

Check Your Circuit Breaker

If you’re experiencing electrical issues, the first thing to check is your circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are designed to protect your home or office from electrical surges by shutting off power to a specific area of the building. A tripped circuit breaker can cause electrical issues, and resetting it could resolve the problem.

To reset your circuit breaker, locate your electrical panel and find the breaker that has tripped. Flip the switch to the off position and then back on. If the circuit breaker trips again, it could be a sign of a more significant issue, and it’s time to call an electrician.

Check Your Outlets

Faulty electrical outlets are a common cause of electrical problems. If you’re experiencing an electrical issue, check your outlets to see if they’re the culprit. Look for any signs of damage, such as cracks or discoloration. Additionally, check for loose-fitting plugs, which can cause arcing and overheating.

If you find a damaged outlet, switch off the power from your circuit breaker and replace it. However, if you’re unsure or uncomfortable replacing the outlet, call an electrician.

Check Your Light Bulbs

If your lights aren’t working, the first thing to check is the light bulb. Sometimes, a faulty light bulb can cause electrical issues. Unscrew the light bulb and replace it with a new one to see if the problem is resolved.

Check Your Appliances

Faulty electrical appliances can cause electrical issues in your home or office. If you’re experiencing electrical problems, unplug your appliances and check for any signs of damage or frayed cords. Replace any damaged appliances or cords to prevent further issues.

Check Your Wiring

If you’ve checked all the above and the electrical issue persists, it could be a sign of faulty wiring. Faulty wiring can cause electrical shocks, fires, and other safety hazards. If you suspect faulty wiring, it’s crucial to call a professional electrician immediately.


Electrical problems can occur at any time, and it’s crucial to know how to identify them. Here are some common electrical problems you may encounter:

Power Surges

Power surges occur when the flow of electricity in your home or office is interrupted or increased suddenly. This can cause damage to electrical appliances and, in some cases, lead to electrical fires. If you’re experiencing frequent power surges, it could be a sign of faulty wiring or a problem with the electrical supply to your home or office.

Electrical Shocks

Electrical shocks occur when you come into contact with a live electrical current. This can cause severe injuries or even death. If you experience an electrical shock, seek medical attention immediately. Electrical shocks can be a sign of faulty wiring or damaged electrical appliances.

Tripping Circuit Breakers

If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it could be a sign of an overloaded electrical system or a faulty circuit breaker. This can cause electrical problems and pose a safety hazard. It’s essential to call an electrician to diagnose and fix the issue.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights can be annoying and could be a sign of a more significant electrical issue. This could be caused by a faulty light bulb, loose wiring, or faulty electrical connections. It’s crucial to address the issue promptly to avoid potential safety hazards.


Here are some frequently asked questions about electrical work:

  1. Is it safe to attempt electrical repairs on my own?

It’s not advisable to attempt electrical repairs on your own, as electricity is dangerous and can cause severe injuries or even death. Always call a professional electrician to handle any electrical repairs.

  1. How can I tell if I need to call an electrician?

If you’re experiencing electrical problems that you’re unable to troubleshoot, it’s essential to call an electrician. Additionally, if you’re unsure about the safety of your electrical system, it’s best to have a professional inspect it.

  1. How often should I have my electrical system inspected?

It’s recommended to have your electrical system inspected every three to five years. Additionally, if you’re experiencing frequent electrical problems, it’s essential to have a professional inspect your electrical system.

  1. Can electrical problems cause fires?

Yes, electrical problems can cause fires. Faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and damaged electrical appliances can cause electrical fires. It’s crucial to address any electrical problems promptly to avoid potential safety hazards.

  1. How much does it cost to hire an electrician?

The cost of hiring an electrician varies depending on the scope of the work and the electrician’s rates. It’s recommended to get multiple quotes from different electricians to find the best price.


In conclusion, electrical problems can be dangerous and pose a safety hazard. Before calling an electrician, it’s crucial to check for the most common electrical problems and troubleshoot basic issues. However, if you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s essential to call a professional electrician like Poss Electric to handle any electrical repairs.

Remember, electricity is a powerful force that requires expertise to handle. By following the tips in this article, you’ll be better equipped to identify and address any electrical problems. Stay safe and don’t hesitate to call a professional if you’re unsure or uncomfortable.



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